Vangelis Collector

If you have found some new discovery, or there is a new Vangelis related release in your country, please write to me. If you can provide a scan, that would be even better! I'll add it here with your credit. Please help build this site! Write to me by clicking here



First of all, let me thank Vangelis for all the wonderful music throughout the years and for providing the soundtrack of my life. I will surely never meet you, but you'll always seem like a brother to me.

And because of Vangelis, I have met so many brothers and sisters throughout this planet. It is a comforting feeling to know that I would have a place to lay my head down in countries that I can only dream about. I will undoubtably missing somebody here, and I apologize for that now, but that does not mean that I am not thankful for your help and your thoughts:

A big thanks to Brian Frick for helping with the image compression!

Roland Weißflog, Michael Thomas Roe, Henk Engelen, Octavian Buda, Dennis Lodewijks, Woody Hood, Stephane Vidali, Martin Dauskardt, Aki Pattalis, Tony Novo, Mark Griffin, Nicholas Kent, Keith Gregoire, Jussi Jakobsson, Francisco Rico, Paolo Cadeddu, Chris Eastwood, Benoit Caubien, Spiros Liolis, Andreas Smagadis, Jon Finafrock, Kai Lindfors, Dionyssios Michos, Seiya Hirano, Harada Yasuhiro, James Aramant, Jacques Povee, Ian Grenfell, Kim Ho Gyum, Francisco Rico, Enrique Benavent Mundina, Walter Wachhauer, Sufian, Robert Eichelsheim, John van Houtert, Bas Dekkers, Jean-Claude Viers, Stefano Strippoli.

Finally, let me add that I do not pretend to own these images, and if you are the copyright owner and object, please let me know. I hope that you understand that this is not done for any profit, and that I do this out of my love and admiration for Vangelis and his works, and hope to spread more interest in Vangelis throughout the world!

Peace to you and yours.


   Uncle Don

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Vangelis Collector © 2005  Contact Uncle Don